Disneyland Steak Gumbo Recipe

Hey there, gumbo aficionados! Are you ready to indulge in a steaming bowl of the most delicious gumbo you’ve ever tasted? Well, you’re in luck because I’m about to share with you the recipe for Disneyland Steak Gumbo – a Disney-approved gumbo dish that’s sure to knock your socks off.

As a foodie and a fan of Disney theme parks, I’ve always been intrigued by the various copycat recipes that circulate the internet. And when I heard about the gumbo recipes from the Royal Street Veranda and Blue Bayou in Disneyland, I knew I had to try my hand at replicating it.

What makes this gumbo recipe special is the complexity of flavors that come from the mix of andouille sausage, tasso ham, and steak, as well as the trinity of vegetables – onions, celery, and bell peppers. The roux mixture also adds a deep flavor and richness to the gumbo, making it the perfect comfort food for any occasion – from family cookbooks to family movie nights and even family reunions.

So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to make a batch of gumbo that’ll transport you to the heart of Orange County, where you can imagine yourself strolling through the streets of Disneyland, indulging in the perfect bowl of gumbo over rice. Trust me, this amazing gumbo recipe tastes even better than the real thing!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe?

Disneyland Steak Gumbo Recipe is an easy peasy dish to cook
Disneyland Steak Gumbo Recipe is an easy peasy dish to cook

First off, let me ask you this – are you a fan of creole food? Do you love the deep, complex flavors that come from a good pot of gumbo? If you answered yes to both, then this recipe is perfect for you.

One of the things that makes this gumbo recipe stand out is the mix of andouille sausage, tasso ham, and steak. These proteins bring their unique flavors and textures to the table, creating a medley that’s hard to resist. Plus, the trinity of vegetables – onions, celery, and bell peppers – adds a freshness and depth that complements the meats perfectly.

But what really sets this recipe apart is the roux mixture. If you’ve never made gumbo before, the roux is a combination of flour and fat that serves as the base of the gumbo. In this recipe, we make a brown roux, which is cooked until it reaches a deep, caramel color. This gives the gumbo a richness and depth that’s hard to achieve with a lighter roux.

And if you’re worried about the spice level, don’t be. While this recipe does call for cayenne pepper and gumbo file, the heat is balanced out by the other flavors in the gumbo. Plus, you can always adjust the spice level to your preference.

Now, let’s talk about the versatility of this gumbo recipe. Whether you’re a meat lover or a vegetarian, this recipe can be adjusted to fit your dietary preferences. You can swap out the meats for tofu or seitan, or you can skip the meats altogether and make a vegetable gumbo. And if you’re on a keto diet, you can easily make a keto-friendly gumbo by skipping the roux and using a gluten-free buckwheat flour instead.

Ingredient list

Don't let the ingredient list overwhelm you. We have quite a few substitutions later on...
Don’t let the ingredient list overwhelm you. We have quite a few substitutions later on…

Let’s take a look at the ingredient list for this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe, shall we? Trust me, it’s a doozy, but don’t worry – everything on this list is essential to achieving that perfect pot of gumbo.

First off, we have the proteins – andouille sausage, tasso ham, and steak. These meats are the stars of the show, providing a mix of textures and flavors that’ll leave your taste buds singing. The andouille sausage is a spicy, smoky sausage that’s perfect for gumbo, while the tasso ham is a cured, smoked ham that adds a depth of flavor to the dish. And the steak? Well, let’s just say it’s the cherry on top – adding a meaty richness that takes this gumbo to the next level.

Next up, we have the trinity of vegetables – onions, celery, and bell peppers. These veggies are the backbone of any good gumbo, providing a base of flavors that complement the meats perfectly. The onions add a sweetness and depth, while the celery adds a freshness and crunch. And the bell peppers? They add a pop of color and a hint of bitterness that cuts through the richness of the meats.

To make the roux, we need all-purpose flour and lots of butter. Yes, you heard that right – lots of butter. But trust me, it’s worth it. The roux is what gives the gumbo its richness and depth of flavor, and a good roux requires a mix of butter and flour cooked together over medium heat until it turns a deep, caramel color.

We also need some chicken stock and vegetable base to bring everything together, as well as some cayenne pepper and gumbo file powder for seasoning. The gumbo file powder is a key ingredient in this recipe, as it gives the gumbo a thick, velvety texture that’s hard to achieve with just a roux. And let’s not forget the garlic, salt, and black pepper – these spices add a depth and complexity to the gumbo that’s hard to resist.

Finally, we need some rice to serve the gumbo over. You can use any type of rice you like, but I recommend using a long-grain white rice for the best results. And if you’re feeling fancy, you can even make a batch of Cajun Rice to serve with your gumbo.

The Recipe How-To

Now, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of how to make this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe. I won’t lie – this recipe takes some time and effort to make, but trust me when I say that it’s worth it. So, let’s get started, shall we?

First off, we need to make the roux mixture. In a 6-quart stockpot over medium heat, melt the unsalted butter and then gradually whisk in the all-purpose flour until it forms a smooth dough-like consistency. Keep stirring the mixture constantly over medium-low heat until it turns a rich, golden brown color. This can take anywhere from 40-60 minutes, so be patient and don’t rush it.

Next, we add the trinity of vegetables – the diced yellow onions, green and red bell peppers, and celery ribs – and sauté until they’re softened. This should take about 10-15 minutes over medium-high heat.

Once the vegetables are softened, we add in the andouille sausage, tasso ham, and steak, and continue cooking the gumbo mixture until the meat is browned. This should take about 15-20 minutes over medium heat.

Now it’s time to add in the chicken stock, vegetable base, and cayenne pepper. Bring the mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for another 15-20 minutes. This allows the flavors to meld together and develop the deep, complex flavor that gumbo is known for.

Finally, we add in the gumbo file powder and stir until it’s completely incorporated. The gumbo should have a thick, velvety texture at this point.

To serve, ladle the gumbo over rice and garnish with green onions and parsley. And that’s it – you now have a pot of gumbo that’s sure to impress even the most discerning of taste buds.

Making this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe takes time and effort, but the end result is well worth it. With the perfect mix of meats, vegetables, and spices, this gumbo is a dish that’s hard to resist. So, roll up your sleeves and get ready to make a pot of gumbo that’ll transport you to the heart of New Orleans.

Substitutions and Variations

If you’re anything like me, you love to experiment with recipes and put your own spin on things. So, let’s talk about some variations you can make to this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe to make it your own.

One of the easiest variations you can make is to swap out the meats for something else. Don’t like andouille sausage or tasso ham? No problem – you can use chicken, shrimp, or even duck instead. And if you’re a vegetarian, you can skip the meats altogether and make a vegetable gumbo.

You can also adjust the spice level to your preference. This recipe calls for cayenne pepper and gumbo file powder, but if you don’t like things too spicy, you can adjust the amount of cayenne or skip it altogether. And if you want to add even more heat, you can add some hot sauce or chili flakes.

Another variation you can make is to adjust the roux mixture. This recipe calls for a brown roux, which is cooked until it turns a deep, caramel color. But if you prefer a lighter roux, you can cook it for less time or use less butter. And if you want to make a gluten-free version, you can use a gluten-free flour instead of all-purpose flour.

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even experiment with different vegetables. Instead of the trinity of onions, celery, and bell peppers, you can add in some okra, carrots, or even some sweet potatoes. These will all add a unique flavor and texture to the gumbo.

And finally, you can adjust the serving and pairing to your liking. While this recipe calls for serving the gumbo over rice, you can also serve it over quinoa, couscous, or even mashed potatoes. And for pairing, you can pair the gumbo with a nice red wine or a cold beer, depending on your preference.

Serving and Pairing Suggestions

Some side dishes and drinks to add favor to the recipe
Some side dishes and drinks to add favor to the recipe

Now, let’s talk about serving and pairing this delicious Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe. This gumbo is a hearty dish that’s perfect for a cold winter day or a cozy family dinner. And while it’s delicious on its own, there are a few things you can do to take it to the next level.

First off, let’s talk about serving. This gumbo is traditionally served over rice, but you can also serve it over quinoa, couscous, or even mashed potatoes. The key is to have something to soak up all that delicious sauce.

And for pairing, you can’t go wrong with a nice red wine or a cold beer. A bold Cabernet Sauvignon or a rich, full-bodied Malbec will complement the gumbo’s complex flavors perfectly. And if you prefer beer, a cold IPA or a smooth stout will do the trick.

If you’re looking for something non-alcoholic, you can pair the gumbo with a tall glass of iced tea or a refreshing lemonade. The sweetness of the tea or lemonade will complement the spice of the gumbo perfectly.

But what about serving size? This recipe makes a large pot of gumbo that serves about 8-10 people. But if you’re cooking for a smaller group, you can easily halve the recipe or freeze any leftovers for later.

In short, serving and pairing this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe is all about finding the right balance. You want something that’ll complement the gumbo’s complex flavors without overpowering it. So whether you’re serving it over rice or mashed potatoes, or pairing it with a red wine or a cold beer, just remember to enjoy every bite!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating Options

This recipe makes a large pot of gumbo that can feed a crowd, so it’s important to know how to store it properly.

If you want to make the gumbo ahead of time, you can make the roux mixture and the gumbo mixture separately and then combine them when you’re ready to serve. This will help to preserve the flavors and texture of the gumbo. You can also freeze the gumbo for up to 3 months, so you can enjoy it later.

When it comes to storing the gumbo, it’s best to store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. If you have leftovers, make sure to transfer them to a separate container before storing them in the refrigerator. This will help to prevent the gumbo from spoiling or becoming contaminated.

To reheat the gumbo, you can either heat it up on the stovetop or in the microwave. If you’re using the stovetop, heat the gumbo over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until it’s heated through. If you’re using the microwave, transfer the gumbo to a microwave-safe dish, cover it, and microwave on high for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

One thing to keep in mind when reheating the gumbo is that the texture may change slightly. The roux may thicken the gumbo further, but this can be easily remedied by adding a little bit of chicken stock or water to the mixture.

Chef’s Tips

As someone who’s made this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe before, I know that there are a few tips and tricks that can make the process a lot easier. Here are some things to keep in mind when making this delicious gumbo:

  • Use a large pot: This recipe makes a lot of gumbo, so make sure you have a pot that’s big enough to hold everything. A 6-quart stockpot is perfect for this recipe.
  • Take your time with the roux: The roux is the foundation of the gumbo, so it’s important to take your time and make sure it turns a rich, golden brown color. This can take anywhere from 40-60 minutes, but it’s worth it for the deep, complex flavor it adds.
  • Keep stirring: When making the roux, it’s important to keep stirring constantly to prevent it from burning. And when adding the vegetables and meats, make sure to stir frequently to prevent sticking or burning.
  • Adjust the spice level: This recipe calls for cayenne pepper and gumbo file powder, but you can adjust the amount to your preference. And if you want to add more heat, you can add some hot sauce or chili flakes.
  • Use a meat thermometer: When cooking the meats, use a meat thermometer to make sure they’re cooked through. The steak should be cooked to at least 145°F, and the andouille sausage and tasso ham should be heated through to 165°F.
  • Don’t overcook the gumbo: While it’s important to simmer the gumbo mixture for a while to develop the flavors, don’t overcook it or the meat and vegetables will become mushy. Cook the gumbo for 15-20 minutes after adding the chicken stock and spices, and then add the gumbo file powder and serve.
  • Garnish with green onions and parsley: Adding a sprinkle of chopped green onions and parsley to the top of the gumbo adds a pop of color and a fresh, bright flavor.
  • Freeze leftovers for later: This recipe makes a large pot of gumbo, so freeze any leftovers for up to 3 months. This way, you can enjoy this delicious gumbo anytime you want.
  • Be patient: Making gumbo takes time and effort, but the end result is well worth it. So take your time, be patient, and enjoy the process!
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: This recipe is versatile and can be adjusted to fit your dietary preferences and taste. So don’t be afraid to experiment and put your own spin on it.

In conclusion, making this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe is all about patience and attention to detail. With these tips and tricks in mind, you’ll be able to make a pot of gumbo that’s sure to impress. So go ahead, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to make a delicious gumbo that’ll transport you straight to the heart of New Orleans!

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe is a must-try for anyone who loves complex, rich flavors and hearty, comforting meals. From the roux mixture to the combination of meats and vegetables, every element of this gumbo is designed to come together into something truly amazing.

What I love most about this recipe is how versatile it is. You can adjust the spice level, swap out the meats, or experiment with different vegetables to make it your own. And no matter how you make it, the end result is always delicious.

Whether you’re cooking for a crowd or just for yourself, this gumbo is the perfect comfort food that’s sure to hit the spot. And with some patience and attention to detail, you can make a pot of gumbo that’s just as good (if not better) than what you’ll find at a restaurant.

So go ahead, give this Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe a try, and see for yourself what all the fuss is about. Whether you’re a gumbo aficionado or just looking for something new to try, this recipe is sure to become a go-to in your family cookbook. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

Disneyland Steak Gumbo Recipe is an easy peasy dish to cook

Disneyland Steak Gumbo Recipe

This Disneyland Steak Gumbo recipe is a delicious and hearty dish that’s perfect for a cozy family dinner. With its complex flavors and combination of meats and vegetables, it’s sure to be a hit at your dinner table.
5 from 7 votes
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine Cajun, Creole
Servings 10
Calories 648 kcal


  • 6-quart stockpot
  • Meat thermometer
  • Wooden spoon


  • 1 lb. steak cut into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 lb. andouille sausage sliced
  • 1 lb. tasso ham diced
  • 2 yellow onions diced
  • 1 green bell pepper diced
  • 1 red bell pepper diced
  • 2 celery ribs diced
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup unsalted butter
  • 8 cups chicken stock
  • 1 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • 1 tsp. black pepper
  • 1 tsp. white pepper
  • 2 tbsp. gumbo file powder
  • Salt to taste
  • Green onions and parsley chopped for garnish


  • In a 6-quart stockpot, heat the butter over medium heat until melted.
  • Add the flour to the pot and stir constantly to make a brown roux, about 40-60 minutes.
  • Add the onions, bell peppers, and celery to the pot and stir frequently for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the steak, andouille sausage, and tasso ham to the pot and stir for another 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the chicken stock, cayenne pepper, black pepper, and white pepper to the pot and bring to a simmer.
  • Reduce heat to medium-low and let the gumbo mixture simmer for 15-20 minutes.
  • Add the gumbo file powder and salt to taste.
  • Serve the gumbo in bowls over rice and garnish with chopped green onions and parsley.


This recipe makes a large pot of gumbo that serves about 8-10 people.
If you’re cooking for a smaller group, you can easily halve the recipe.
Leftovers can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or frozen for up to 3 months.
When reheating the gumbo, make sure to heat it up on the stovetop or in the microwave, and add a little bit of chicken stock or water if it becomes too thick.
You can adjust the spice level to your preference by adding more or less cayenne pepper and gumbo file powder.



Calories: 648kcalCarbohydrates: 21gProtein: 34gFat: 47gSaturated Fat: 22gPolyunsaturated Fat: 5gMonounsaturated Fat: 18gTrans Fat: 1gCholesterol: 149mgSodium: 1211mgPotassium: 724mgFiber: 2gSugar: 5gVitamin A: 1227IUVitamin C: 27mgCalcium: 35mgIron: 3mg
Keyword andouille, Disneyland, roux, Steak Gumbo
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Shara @The Bird BBQ

Shara loves to experiment with different flavors and techniques when it comes to BBQ. She has been perfecting her craft for years and loves hosting backyard BBQs with friends & family. She often comes up with creative recipes that her guests rave about.