How Long to Sous Vide Frozen Steak: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you love steak, but are stumped about how to cook frozen steaks to perfection, you’re in luck! Sous vide is the perfect cooking method for frozen steaks and it can ensure that your steak is cooked just right. With sous vide, you can prepare a delicious steak without having to worry about it being overcooked or undercooked. In this article, we’ll explore how long it takes to sous vide frozen steak and how you can get the best results possible.

Cooking with sous vide is a great way to make sure that your meals are always perfectly cooked. These days, many home cooks are turning to sous vide as their go-to cooking method for everything from fish and chicken to vegetables and even ice cream! And now we’re going to show you how easy it is to use sous vide for frozen steaks.

Sous vide has been embraced by home cooks all over the world because of its ability to deliver consistently delicious results every time. And when it comes to frozen steaks, sous vide offers an even higher level of convenience. So if you’ve ever wondered how long it takes to cook a frozen steak using the sous vide method, then keep reading! We’re here to help answer all of your questions about sous viding frozen steak so that you can master this technique in no time at all!

What Is Sous Vide?

Sous Vide Frozen Steak is still tender, juicy and delicious if you cook it right
Sous Vide Frozen Steak is still tender, juicy and delicious if you cook it right

Sous vide—a French term meaning “under vacuum”—is a cooking technique that takes all the hassle out of meal prep. It’s the perfect solution for busy home cooks looking to get dinner on the table with minimum effort. By using a water bath, frozen steak can be cooked to perfection with ease.

The process is simple: Place your frozen steak in a container of water and set it in a pot of hot water and let it cook. The longer you leave it in the water bath, the more tender your steak will become. Depending on the thickness of your steak, sous vide cooking time will vary, but typically takes between two to three hours.

Once the steak is finished cooking, you’ll want to shock it in an ice bath for at least 10 minutes before serving. This helps lock in flavor and ensures that your steak is cooked evenly all around. With sous vide, there’s no worry about overcooking or ruining your meal – just delicious results every time!

Benefits Of Sous Vide Cooking

Sous Vide Cooking
Sous Vide Cooking

Sous vide cooking has become increasingly popular for home cooks due to its convenience and ability to cook food perfectly, even with frozen meat. There are several benefits of using the sous vide water displacement method that make it a great choice for meal planning. Here are just a few:

  1. You can achieve an exact internal temperature without worrying about overcooking or undercooking your steak. The temperature range is wide enough to accommodate any type of steak, from rare to well-done.
  2. You don’t need to be at the stove constantly monitoring the steak—you just set it up and forget it until it’s done cooking!
  3. The minimum time needed to sous vide frozen steak is only two hours, so you don’t have to wait all day for dinner.
  4. The airtight container used in sous vide cooking ensures that all the flavor and nutrients remain locked inside, resulting in a juicy, flavorful steak every time!

No matter what type of steak you’re cooking, sous vide is guaranteed to give you perfect results without any of the hassle or guesswork involved in traditional methods of cooking. With a little practice and patience, you’ll be able to master this technique quickly and easily—and enjoy delicious meals every night!

Defrosting Frozen Steak

Defrosting Frozen Steak by thawing
Defrosting Frozen Steak by thawing

When it comes to cooking frozen steak, sous vide is a great option. However, if you’re looking for a traditional method, then defrosting your steak first is an absolute must. Defrosting frozen steak may seem like an extra step that you don’t really need to take, but it’s actually essential for the best possible results.

The most important thing to remember when defrosting frozen steak is to be safe and use proper food handling techniques. This means using a food vacuum seal storage bag or container and submerging the frozen steak in cold water until it’s completely thawed. You should also make sure to change out the cold water every 30 minutes so that the meat doesn’t start cooking as it thaws. Once the steak is thoroughly defrosted, you can proceed with your cooking plans accordingly.

Once you’ve defrosted your steak, there are plenty of delicious recipes that you can follow. For instance, a filet mignon with potatoes meal would be a great choice for dinner! However you decide to cook your steak, adding some extra flavorings such as herbs and spices will help bring out its best flavors and aromas. If you’re feeling adventurous, why not try something new? With these tips in mind and a bit of creativity, you’ll be able to create an amazing meal!

Equipment And Supplies Needed

Cooking sous vide frozen steak is a breeze if you have the right equipment and supplies. It’s like having a personal chef in your own kitchen! Before you begin, make sure to have all of your materials ready. You’ll need a pot with water, a bowl of water, a sous vide water oven or hot water bath, and containers with water for vacuum sealing the steak. For those who prefer an old-school approach, there’s also the method of water displacement – just place your steak in a clean dish towel and submerge it in cold water until it’s thawed.

Once everything is ready to go, you can start prepping your steak for sous vide cooking. If you’re using a vacuum seal bag, make sure to properly season the steak before placing it inside the bag – this will help lock in moisture and maximize flavor. If you’re going with the traditional method of defrosting first, be sure to pat dry the steak before seasoning so that it doesn’t get overly moist while cooking.

After that, all that’s left to do is set up your sous vide machine according to manufacturer instructions and let it work its magic! Depending on how thick the steak is, it should take anywhere between 1-4 hours to cook perfectly depending on how done you’d like it. Once time is up, remove from heat and serve as desired – voila! With just a few simple steps and some patience, you can easily enjoy delicious sous vide frozen steak anytime.

Preparing The Steak For Sous Vide

Preparing a frozen steak for sous vide is easy and doesn’t take much time. Before you start, make sure you have all the necessary supplies – your sous vide machine, vacuum seal bags, and seasoning of choice. If you’re using a vacuum seal bag, season the steak before placing it inside the bag to lock in moisture and flavor. If going with the traditional method of defrosting first, pat dry the steak before seasoning.

Now it’s time to get cooking! Set up your sous vide machine according to manufacturer instructions and set your desired temperature. A guide for beef times can be found online if you’re not sure how long to cook your steak for – usually between 1-4 hours depending on thickness and desired doneness. Once the initial cooking time has passed, you can leave it in for a bit longer without concern as there’s a wide window of time that won’t affect results too much.

One nice thing about sous vide is that you don’t have to be too exact with timing – just make sure that your steak is cooked through and enjoy! With just a few simple steps, anyone can have delicious frozen steak cooked perfectly every time. Bon appetite!

Setting Up Your Water Bath

Now that your steak is prepared, it’s time to get the water bath ready for sous vide cooking! Setting up your water bath requires a few steps, but if done correctly, you can achieve precise temperature control and perfect results.

The first step is to fill the container with warm tap water, then add air to ensure that the temperature doesn’t drop too low or rise too high. You may also want to add a temperature gradient using ice cubes or cold water so that you can find your favorite temperature quickly. Make sure to check the temperature of the water before adding the steak.

Once you have achieved your desired temperature, it’s time to season with salt, pepper and any other seasoning of choice. For added flavor and texture, you can top off with a tablespoon (tbsp) of cold compound butter and a teaspoon (tsp) of garlic. Once everything is in place, you can begin cooking!

Sous vide cooking allows you to enjoy steak cooked perfectly every single time – from juicy and tender at lower temperatures to crispy on the outside and medium-rare on the inside at higher temperatures. All it takes is a little practice and patience for delicious frozen steak every time!

Temperature Settings For Sous Vide Steak

Cooking frozen steak using the sous vide technique is an art form that requires precision and patience. The temperature settings you use will determine the quality of your steak, so it’s important to pay close attention to detail when setting up your water bath.

When cooking a frozen steak, you’ll need to adjust the temperature depending on the cut of meat. For flank or sirloin steaks, aim for a temperature range of 130°F (54°C) to 140°F (60°C). If you’re cooking a tenderloin steak, set the temperature to 135°F (57°C). This will yield perfectly cooked medium-rare steaks that are juicy and tender.

To get the most out of your sous vide experience, make sure to season the steak with salt and pepper before placing it in the water bath. This will help create an even distribution of flavor throughout the steak as it cooks. You can also add herbs, spices or garlic for extra flavor. Once everything is in place, simply set the timer and let it cook!

Sous vide is an easy and foolproof way to cook frozen steaks that are packed with flavor. With just a few simple steps and careful attention to temperature settings, you can enjoy restaurant-quality steaks at home every time!

Timing Guidelines For Cooking Frozen Steak

Cooking with sous vide is an amazing way to get restaurant-quality steaks at home, and frozen steaks are no exception. With the right temperature settings and timing guidelines, you can enjoy juicy and flavorful steaks each time. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of steaks you can cook using this method and how long it will take.

Rare125 degrees F2-4 hours
Medium Rare130 degrees F2-4 hours
Medium135 degrees F2-4 hours
Well Done145 degrees F2-4 hours

Skirt steak is a great choice for sous vide cooking as it is incredibly tender when cooked properly. You’ll want to set the temperature to 130°F (54°C) if you’re going for medium-rare, or 140°F (60°C) for medium-done. Cook times vary depending on the thickness of your steak; thinner cuts should be cooked for 2-3 hours while thicker cuts may take up to 4 hours.

T-bone steaks require slightly higher temperatures; aim for 140°F (60°C) for medium-rare, or 150°F (66°C) for medium-done. As with skirt steak, cook times vary depending on the thickness of your steak—thinner cuts should be cooked for 2-3 hours while thicker cuts may take up to 4 hours.

For any cut of steak, adding a layer of cooking oil before placing in the water bath helps to create a nice crusty exterior once finished cooking. Just remember that you don’t need too much oil; a teaspoon or two should be enough! Additionally, if you’d like to check doneness during cooking, use a meat thermometer to ensure that your steak reaches its desired internal temperature.

No matter what type of steak you choose to cook using sous vide, following the temperature guide and timing charts provided will help guarantee delicious results every time!

Finishing The Steak In A Pan Or Grill

Once the steak is sous vide cooked to perfection, it’s time to finish it off with an amazing sear. To do this, heat a hot skillet on the stovetop and add a tablespoon of cooking oil. When the skillet is hot enough, carefully transfer the steak from the water bath to the hot skillet. This will give your steak an intense flavor and amazing sear that you won’t get with any other method of cooking.

If you have leftover steak after sous vide cooking, you can also give it a great flavor boost by adding some rosemary sprigs to your skillet before placing your steak in. The rosemary will give your steak a nice aroma as well as subtle earthy flavors that pair perfectly with a sous vide prepared steak.

For even more flavor, sprinkle your favorite steak seasoning over both sides of the inch thick steak before adding it to the hot skillet. Once both sides of the steak are browned and cooked through, you’re ready for an amazing meal! The intense flavor and amazing sear transfer from the skillet will make anyone feel like they’re eating a restaurant-quality meal right at home.

Finishing Sauces And Flavors To Consider

No steak is complete without the perfect finishing sauces and flavors. Whether you’re serving up a fresh steak that just came out of the sous vide or a steak that has been frozen, there are plenty of classic steak toppings and sauces that can take your meal to the next level.

For those who like their steak cooked more medium rare, consider adding some garlic cloves and butter to the skillet in the last few minutes of cooking. This will give your steak an amazing flavor boost as well as some added moisture for a juicy finish. If you’re looking for something a bit more complex, try making a cream horseradish sauce to drizzle over your steak. This creamy and tangy condiment pairs perfectly with any type of steak and adds a nice kick to your meal.

If you’re looking for something more traditional, try topping your sous vide cooked steaks with freshly chopped herbs such as parsley, oregano, thyme or rosemary; these fragrant herbs will bring out the natural flavor of whatever type of steak you’re serving up. For those who are feeling adventurous, why not try experimenting with different cuts of steak? Different cuts will have different levels of flavor and texture depending on how long it was sous vide cooked for so get creative with your seasonings and sauces to make each meal unique!

Serving Suggestions

Now that you’ve mastered the art of sous viding a steak, it’s time to think about what to serve with it. There are plenty of options when it comes to serving up your steak, but there are some rules of thumb that should be followed when deciding what to pair with your sous vide frozen steak.

First, consider the minimum cook time for your type of steak. For example, if you are cooking a flap meat steak, the minimum cook time is 2 hours in a sous vide bath before you can start eating. On the other hand, if you’re going for white meat chicken then the minimum cooking time is only 45 minutes. Knowing this information will help in deciding what side dishes and accompaniments to serve with your meal.

Here are some top-notch serving suggestions for making sure your sous vided steak turns out perfectly: • Serve with a creamy horseradish sauce and roasted vegetables on the side for a classic flavor combination • Grill up some asparagus or green beans and top with garlic butter for an added flavor kick • Make a light salad with fresh greens and tomatoes to add some crunchy texture to your meal • Consider adding extra cooking time if needed – this will ensure that your steak is cooked all the way through without being overcooked or chewy.

No matter how you choose to serve up your sous vided steaks, they’re sure to be delicious! Paired with tasty sides and sauces, they make a perfect meal every single time. With just a few simple steps, you can create restaurant-quality steaks at home in no time!

Safety Tips When Handling Frozen Foods

When handling frozen foods, safety should always be a priority. While sous vide cooking is a great way to get perfectly cooked steak with minimal effort, there are some important rules of thumb to follow when dealing with frozen meat. With just a few extra steps, you can make sure that your meal is safe and delicious!

Here are three key safety tips to keep in mind when cooking with frozen steak:

  1. Always thaw the meat before cooking it in the sous vide. This will ensure that the food is cooked all the way through and will avoid any contamination caused by uncooked food.
  2. If you plan on buying meat in bulk, make sure it’s stored properly and defrosted before you cook it. Frozen steak can last for weeks or even months if stored correctly, but don’t forget about it!
  3. Don’t forget to check your steak’s temperature with an instant-read thermometer. This is the best way to make sure that your steak is cooked all the way through without being overcooked or undercooked.

Considering these safety tips when dealing with frozen steaks will help ensure that your meal turns out perfectly every single time. With just a few simple steps, you can have restaurant-quality meals from the comfort of your home!

Storing Leftovers After Sous Vide Cooking

Just like the old adage says, “waste not, want not.” Storing leftovers after sous vide cooking is a great way to get the most out of your steak and save time later. Whether you’re making a meal for two or ten, it’s important to know how to store cooked steak properly – so you can enjoy your delicious meal more than once.

If you’re planning on reheating leftover steak, start by seasoning it with flaked sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper. Heat up a heavy bottomed skillet over medium-high heat and add the steak for about two minutes per side, until it’s nice and charred. This will give it an extra flavor boost! For a one-inch filet, this should take around four minutes total. If you’re feeling adventurous, add a sauce or compound butter while the steak is in the skillet for an extra punch of flavor.

Once the steak is finished cooking, let it rest on a cutting board for at least five minutes before serving or storing in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Be sure to reheat your steak thoroughly before eating – just heat up another heavy bottomed skillet over medium-high heat and cook each side of the steak for 1-2 minutes until heated through and served hot.

No matter how many times you’ve cooked with sous vide before, following these tips will ensure that your leftovers are as delicious as ever – so don’t be afraid to dig into that second helping!

Cleanup And Maintenance Of Your Sous Vide Equipment

Cooking the perfect steak with sous vide is a skill that takes time, practice and patience. But once you’ve got it down, it’s time to think about the cleanup and maintenance of your sous vide equipment. Taking care of your sous vide machine and accessories is just as important as the cooking itself – after all, you want them to last for years to come!

The first step in maintaining your equipment is to clean it thoroughly after each use. For most cuts of steak, you can simply fill up a large bowl with hot soapy water and place the sous vide bag in it. After a few minutes, remove the bag and rinse it off with cold water. You can also use a damp rag or sponge to wipe down the outside of the machine after each use. It’s important to do this regularly as food particles can accumulate on the surface over time.

To ensure your steak cooks evenly every time, you should also season it before putting it in the sous vide bag. This means adding two tablespoons of salt (preferably coarse sea salt) and freshly cracked black pepper to both sides of the steak, along with two tablespoons of oil. Don’t be afraid to add more seasoning if you like – this will help seal in all those delicious flavors!

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating restaurant-quality steaks at home every single time! Now all that’s left is for you to decide how long you are going to sous vide that frozen steak – but don’t forget that cooking times vary depending on thickness! So make sure to follow those instructions carefully if you want your steak perfectly cooked every time.

Bottom Line

Sous vide cooking is a great way to enjoy steak that’s cooked to perfection. With the right equipment and supplies, you can easily defrost a frozen steak and get it ready for sous vide cooking. I guarantee that the results will be so mouth-wateringly delicious, it’ll be like eating steak from heaven! Plus, following safety tips when handling food is essential for keeping your meal free of any nasty surprises.

The clean-up process is simple too – just make sure to keep your sous vide equipment in good condition with regular maintenance. After all, there’s no point in creating a culinary masterpiece if you don’t have the proper tools! All in all, sous vide cooking frozen steaks is an incredibly easy and enjoyable experience – one that will leave you wanting more.

So let’s raise our glasses and give a toast to sous vide cooking! With its unparalleled convenience and flavor, it’s a true game changer when it comes to preparing delicious meals at home. And with just a few simple steps, you can have your frozen steak cooked perfectly every time – making it worth every single second of wait time!

Sous Vide Frozen Steak is still tender, juicy and delicious if you cook it right

Sous Vide Frozen Steak

Cooking frozen steak has never been easier or tastier with this sous vide recipe. With minimal effort and precise temperature control, you can achieve a juicy and flavorful steak every time.
5 from 3 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 1
Calories 631 kcal


  • Sous vide machine or a large pot of water
  • Vacuum sealer or airtight container
  • Tongs
  • Heavy-bottomed skillet


  • Frozen steak 1-inch thick – 1 steak
  • Salt – 1 tablespoon of coarse sea salt
  • Black pepper – to taste


  • Rosemary sprigs – a few sprigs
  • Blue cheese compound butter – 1-2 tablespoons
  • Garlic compound butter – 1-2 tablespoons
  • Horseradish sauce – 1/2 cup
  • Chives – 1 teaspoon minced
  • Garlic cloves – 1-2 cloves minced
  • Butter – 1 tablespoon for searing the steak


  • Fill a container of water with the sous vide machine or a large pot with water and attach the sous vide machine. Preheat the water to the desired temperature based on the chart in the post.
  • Season the frozen steak generously with salt and pepper on both sides.
  • Vacuum seal the seasoned steak or place it in an airtight container with a small amount of water displacement using the old-school water displacement technique.
  • Once the water bath is preheated, add the vacuum-sealed steak to the water bath.
  • Cook the steak for the minimum time indicated in the beef temperature guide or extra time if desired for a thicker steak. (Example: 2-4 hours for a 1-inch filet mignon at 130 degrees for medium-rare or 135 degrees for medium doneness)
  • Remove the steak from the water bath and pat it dry with a clean dish towel. Optional: sear the steak in a hot skillet with butter until a brown crust forms on both sides for an intense flavor and signature steakhouse firm crust.
  • Let the steak rest for a few minutes before slicing and serving with your favorite side dishes or sauce.


This recipe is perfect for meal planning and cooking meat in bulk for future meals.
Leftover steak can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag.
You can use any type of steak, but the cooking time may vary. Refer to the beef temperature guide for timing charts for different cuts of steak.
Adding herbs or compound butter to the steak before vacuum sealing can enhance the flavor even more.
For an extra fancy meal, top the steak with a creamy horseradish sauce or compound butter made with garlic and chives.



Calories: 631kcalCarbohydrates: 2gProtein: 49gFat: 48gSaturated Fat: 24gPolyunsaturated Fat: 2gMonounsaturated Fat: 19gTrans Fat: 0.5gCholesterol: 179mgSodium: 7347mgPotassium: 673mgFiber: 0.2gSugar: 0.2gVitamin A: 540IUVitamin C: 2mgCalcium: 109mgIron: 4mg
Keyword frozen steak, horseradish sauce, sous vide, steakhouse
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